
Structura metalica Structura lsf case la cheie casa structura metalică

Prefabricated metal structure elements Metal structure and completed building

We make light steel metal profiles, cold formed Our range of manufacturing solutions for steel construction includes the machine for the manufacture of precast steel frames and steel elements. The key features of Samesor steelmaking equipment is flexibility in sheet metal processing and rolling, combined with an easy-to-use control system. Flexible steel structure made with …

Prefabricated metal structure elements Metal structure and completed building Read More »

Structura metalica Structura lsf case la cheie casa structura metalică

Good practice guide for the management of green spaces

by ASOP – Association of landscapers from Romania and the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Program Attractive open spaces are for the inhabitants of the urban space necessary parts of a city with a good quality of life. According to opinion polls conducted with citizens of cities in Germany and Switzerland regarding the most important factors defining the …

Good practice guide for the management of green spaces Read More »

Structura metalica Structura lsf case la cheie casa structura metalică

Energie curată pentru toți europenii

Bună practică în eficiența energetică Pentru o Europă durabilă, sigură și mai competitivă Măsuri transversale pentru sprijinirea eficienței energetice Eficiența energetică în clădiri Eficiență energetică în industrie, afaceri și servicii Eficiența energetică a produselor Stabilirea cadrului corect de politici publice Deblocarea finanțării pentru investițiile în eficiență energetică

Structura metalica Structura lsf case la cheie casa structura metalică

Minimum Energy Performance Requirements

In the design of new buildings, as well as in the renovation of existing ones, certain minimum requirements for energy performance must be respected, which have been established by Order of the Minister of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds, Deputy Prime Minister Sevil Shhaideh. The modifications to the energy performance calculation methodology impose …

Minimum Energy Performance Requirements Read More »